Thank you for taking the time to review the proposals. Your feedback is important to us and forms part of the public consultation process for the proposals.
Provision of a range of house-types
Provision of affordable housing, including routes to enable home ownership
Play and recreation areas, including walking and cycling routes
Access and transport
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS)
Ecology and wildlife
Sustainable construction and measures to reduce CO2
Funding for community and social infrastructure
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form.
Your details will not be passed to any third-party organisations and will only be used internally by Engage Planning Ltd and Bloor Homes, for the purposes of understanding your views on the proposal. Comments made on this form may be used to provide an example of the feedback received, although not attributed, as part of the report of this consultation and the Statement of Community Engagement. Our full privacy statement is available here